Gosport Sunset Festival in Walpole Park, Gosport on Friday, September 1. Picture: Sarah Standing (010923-7821).Gosport Sunset Festival in Walpole Park, Gosport on Friday, September 1. Picture: Sarah Standing (010923-7821).
Gosport Sunset Festival in Walpole Park, Gosport on Friday, September 1. Picture: Sarah Standing (010923-7821).

Things To Do: 12 lovely pictures of people enjoying the first day of Gosport Sunset Festival

Music-lovers enjoyed the sun and sounds at Gosport Sunset Festival.

The three-day event is rounding off the summer and people flocked to enjoy the first day of festivities. It started yesterday at Walpole Park in Walpole Road, and will run until Sunday.

The free-to-attend festival was supported by Gosport Borough Council. Around 20 bands were lined up by organisers Magic Bus Events.

These included Oasish, Stereotonics, Forever Queen, Foo Fighterz, Abba's Angels, Reactor 1, Brit Pop Revolution, Mimi Rae, Daniel Wakeford and Island City. Visitors tucked in to the street food on offer.

The festival runs between 10.30am-10pm today, and 11am-6pm tomorrow.

Councillor Peter Chegwyn, leader of Gosport Borough Council, said: “This event promises to be one of the highlights of the programme of free local summer events held or supported by the council. It's free to get in, on all three days. As well as plenty of live music there will be lots more going on."