“Inconsiderate” and “downright dangerous” parking in Fareham is blamed on county council workers

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People living in a Fareham street have blamed “inconsiderate” and “downright dangerous” parking on county council workers at the registry office.

To combat parking problems, Hampshire County Council wanted to paint double yellow lines along Furzehall Avenue but locals said this would cause headaches for visitors, carers and tradespeople. The council has now downscaled its plans and will only ban parking on bends along the road.

As part of a council consultation exercise, residents said that current parking is becoming an issue since cars park on bends, making driving the length of Furzehall Avenue “difficult” and “unsafe”. They addressed the fact that county council workers make matters worse since they don’t have enough parking space in their car park.

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Among 42 objections were Rosemary and Michael Duffy, of Furzehall Avenue. They said they believed some restrictions needed to be in place because “inconsiderate” and “downright dangerous” parking of vehicles belonging to local businesses and local council officers for the entire day has caused several near misses involving delivery vans or large lorries. But they said the blanket restriction would be “excessive”.

Furzehall Avenue. Google MapsFurzehall Avenue. Google Maps
Furzehall Avenue. Google Maps

Mr and Mrs Duffy said: “As residents of this road, it has become obvious over the last few years that some parking restrictions have become necessary. However, to completely stop any parking, including residents, visitors to residents, or the vehicles of tradespeople carrying out works to the properties is excessive, and it is my opinion that a compromise is needed, such as restricted parking during specified times such as 8.30am until 5.30pm on weekdays.”

Mr R and Mrs S Bone, who have lived on the avenue for 34 years, said that it is “only” in the last 10 years that parking has become a “safety issue”. As part of the council’s consultation, they said: “We do not want double yellow lines other than on bends or other hazard areas. We feel that a compromise such as restricted parking during business hours, e.g. 8am to 6pm (single yellow lines), may be more acceptable to us and our neighbours.

“We are concerned that to have all double-yellow lines as shown in your plan could make Furzehall Avenue become a “rat race” area … and nobody needs that!”

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Mr and Mrs R H Campbell-Smith said a weekend visit would demonstrate that residents cause no traffic issues. They said: “The traffic issues you are attempting to resolve are caused in the main by attendees to your own council offices at ‘The Parkway’ and of course the two commercial premises on Wickham Road, who routinely search for the first and closest spot to all three of those venues during the working week, regardless of bends, driveways, pavements and pavement drops and of course the provisions of the Highway Code.”

Sarah Lowson also objected to the plan, saying the ban would affect her dad, who lives in the avenue and whom she cares for and visits regularly. Mrs Lowson said: “He has carers who come every day, and double yellow lines would make it extremely difficult for them to come and find somewhere to park, as he has his car on the driveway.”

She added that the parking problem is caused by county council officers’ “annoying” use of the road.

She said: “Before they came, there was no problem. I would therefore suggest that double yellow lines to prevent parking at all times in what is a totally residential road is a sledgehammer to crack a nut.

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“Far more sensible would be restricted parking during office hours – Monday to Friday, 9am until 5pm. Maybe max two hours. This would mean that it couldn’t be used as an overflow car park, and residents’ visitors would still be able to park evenings and weekends. Carers and the like would also be able to park as their visits are less than two hours.”

The county council modified its plan based on the objections. The amended proposed traffic order will create a new ‘no waiting at any time’ restriction to just the bends along the road and not the whole length.