Havant Rugby Football Club unveils plans for new food bar

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A new kiosk could soon be used to serve up food at rugby matches in Havant to boost support.

Havant Rugby Football Club have applied for a change of use of land to site a food serving ‘container’ for their matches. In the application submitted to Havant Borough Council, the club said the pitchside outlet would be able to serve food and hot beverages on match days and other special occasions. The special events will not exceed 20 additional days in a year.

“By expanding the clubhouse facilities, the club can attract a wider membership and encourage more people to participate in the sport of rugby union, thus providing for social interaction and healthy, inclusive communities,“ said the design and access statement.

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The clubhouse contains two bar areas, separate changing rooms and showering facilities, a kitchen, a small office space, an online club shop and a 203-seat stand. Plans show the corrugated shipping container will be located near the clubhouse, on part of the very wide footpath between the pitch and the car park. It will allow two cyclists to ‘easily and comfortably’ pass one another on the path, said the application form.

Siting of container near club house. Picture: Havant RFCSiting of container near club house. Picture: Havant RFC
Siting of container near club house. Picture: Havant RFC

The applicant, Gordon Brember on behalf of Havant RFC, said the 14ft container will be painted the navy blue colours of the club at the Hooks Lane Ground. The Havant club wants to be able to use the food kiosk Monday to Friday 6pm to 10pm and Saturdays, Sundays and bank holidays 9am to 9pm.

To deal with waste and litter, a portable dustbin will be put next to the container and be taken into the clubhouse when the kiosk is closed. There are already existing bins in the car park. Havant Borough Council’s planning department has an internal target date of July 23 to decide on application APP/24/00412.