Gosport Fire: Hill Park Road fundraiser set up to help those affected by the large residential fire

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A fundraiser has been set up to help those affected by a large residential fire in Gosport last night.

The blaze is believed to have affected seven houses in Hill Park Road in Gosport on Wednesday, June 17. The early reports suggest that everyone got out safely however The News are still waiting for official confirmation from the police and fire services.

Jenna Robinson has started a GoFundMe page to help those affected by the fire, which includes her friend. On the page, Jenna said: “My friend’s house was where the fire started and thank goodness they all managed to get out and are safe. But everything they own has gone. Clothes, furniture, the children’s toys, shoes. The list goes on.

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“I am therefore asking for you to donate even if it’s a tiny amount, if we all pitch in, it might ease the devastation slightly so they can at least by clothes and food at this terrible time. I can’t imagine how they must feel.”

The fundraising page can be found by clicking here.