Blake Court: Bail extended for two men arrested after police raid Gosport tower block flat and seize drugs

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Police have extended the bail of two men who were arrested in a drugs raid at a flat in a notorious tower block.

The males were detained after officers raided a flat in Blake Court, South Street, Gosport, February 8. A quantity of Class C drugs were seized after the warrant was carried out at around 11.50pm - bags, wraps and mobile phones were confiscated.

Two men, aged 47 and 53, were detained on suspicion of being concerned in the supply of Class C drugs. They were originally bailed with conditions until May 9, but this has now been brought into the summer.

The two men were arrested following a drugs raid at Black Court in South Street, Gosport, in February Picture: Google Street View.The two men were arrested following a drugs raid at Black Court in South Street, Gosport, in February Picture: Google Street View.
The two men were arrested following a drugs raid at Black Court in South Street, Gosport, in February Picture: Google Street View. | Google Street View

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A Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary spokesman said no charges have been made at this time, and the suspects remain on bail until August 9. A flat in Blake Court was shut down by police and placed under a Partial Closure Order in April.

Residents made numerous complaints about noise being made at all hours in the communal areas, regular drug use and narcotics dealing, faeces being smeared in different areas and drug users passing out on the stairwell.

Police said they have carried out regular enforcement at the apartment block, but residents have made further complaints about people ignoring the order and regularly visiting.

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