Waitrose: Man named and charged after more than £1,200 of alcohol and shopping stolen from Gosport shops

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A man has been charged with numerous shoplifting offences across Gosport.

Andrew Brady, aged 43, of no fixed abode, appeared in Portsmouth Magistrates’ Court yesterday after more than £1,200 worth of alcohol and other goods were stolen from shops across the town. Gosport Police said these incidents tool place over the last few months.

Andrew Brady, aged 43, of no fixed abode, will appear at Portsmouth Magistrates’ Court after being charged with numerous shoplifting offences. Picture: Chris MoorhouseAndrew Brady, aged 43, of no fixed abode, will appear at Portsmouth Magistrates’ Court after being charged with numerous shoplifting offences. Picture: Chris Moorhouse
Andrew Brady, aged 43, of no fixed abode, will appear at Portsmouth Magistrates’ Court after being charged with numerous shoplifting offences. Picture: Chris Moorhouse

Meat valued at £50 was stolen from Morrison’s in Carisbrooke Road on April 7, with £15.96 worth of food being swiped from the shelves at Essentials in Broom Way, Lee-on-the-Solent, on May 4. Waitrose in Stoke Road was targeted on May 9 and May 16, with booze valued at £114.30 and £246.98 being taken on respective occasions.

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A total of £230.20 of chocolate was stolen from the Co-op in Dartmouth Court on May 23. Waitrose in Stoke Road was targeted again on May 25, 28 and 31, as well as June 1, 2 and 3. A total of £607.27 worth of alcohol and other goods were taken from the supermarket. Brady is also charged with theft of a wallet in Brockhurst Gate on May 21.

He is charged with 12 offences, with the theft charges totalling £1,264.71 worth of alcohol and other items. Gosport Police said: “At the hearing, he was further remanded in custody to appear at the same court on 21 June. We continue to encourage anyone who witnesses shoplifting, or any businesses affected, to please keep reporting this to us so we can keep taking action.”