Leigh Park sex pest who stalked woman and exposed himself in public is spared jail

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A Leigh Park sex pest who stalked a woman and exposed himself in public was spared jail.

Portsmouth Crown Court               Picture: Chris MoorhousePortsmouth Crown Court               Picture: Chris Moorhouse
Portsmouth Crown Court Picture: Chris Moorhouse

Pervert Daniel Barnett, 33, of Dunsbury Way, exposed his genitals in the area on February 18 and another occasion. He also stalked a woman between October 27 last year and February 22.

The defendant was spared jail at Portsmouth Crown Court but was handed an 18-month community order and put on the sex offenders register for five years. He must register at the police station during this time. 

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Barnett was also given a five-year sexual harm prevention order which dictates that he cannot approach women in the street or follow them, and is not allowed to observe women changing their clothes - apart from his partner. He must not contact the woman he stalked. 

A Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary spokesperson previously said: "Following a number of enquires and a concerted effort from the Criminal Investigation Department and the Neighbourhood Enforcement Team, Daniel Barnett was arrested and subsequently charged with two counts of indecent exposure and stalking without distress.”

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