Knife, cash and drugs found in raid as police arrest London man for dealing

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A London man has been arrested for drug dealing in Hampshire after a raid where cash and a knife were found.


Police attended an address In Southampton on Tuesday (June 18) and found suspected Class A drugs, three mobile phones, drugs paraphernalia, a knife and more than £1,210 in cash.  

 “The 28-year-old man, who was present inside the property at the time of the searches, was arrested on suspicion of possession with intent to supply Class A drugs. He has been released from police custody on conditional bail while our enquiries continue,” a police spokesperson said.

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 “The arrest forms part of our wider work to disrupt the supply of drugs in Southampton. We would ask people to keep reporting any information about drug supply in your area to us.

 “You are our eyes and ears on the ground, and information submitted helps us build up the bigger picture about what is going on so we can take the appropriate action.”

 To make a report to police, you can call 101, or use the online reporting tool at

 Alternatively, you can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

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