Gosport fires: Police call for witnesses as they investigate incidents of arson

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Police are appealing for help as they investigate three fires in Hampshire which they are treating as arson.

The fires took place in Redhouse Park Gardens and Turner Avenue in Gosport between 1am and 2.10am on Wednesday, June 12. The police are treating these incidents as arson and are asking for anyone that may have any information to come forward.

A Hampshire & Isle of Wight Constabulary spokesperson said: “We are investigating three fires that occurred in close proximity in Gosport. The incidents are reported to have taken place between 1am and 2.10am this morning.

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“Garden furniture at the front of a house in Redhouse Park Gardens was set alight, with the fire also causing damage to the property. The rear fencing and shed of another property in Redhouse Park Gardens were set alight, and two sheds and some fencing were set also alight to the rear of a property in Turner Avenue, destroying the contents of the sheds.

“We are investigating these incidents as arson, and officers will be conducting enquiries in the area today. Please do not hesitate to approach them if you have any information or concerns.

“We would also ask anyone with information, or who has witnessed anyone acting suspiciously in these areas to contact police on 101 quoting 44240246222.”

The police have advised that information can also be submitted online via their website. Alternatively, you can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111, or via their anonymous online form at crimestoppers-uk.org.

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