Boosting skills and helping business grow, Solent Partners is working for the region

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Solent Partners’ work with a wide range of local authorities and organisations is providing support for all types of businesses across the region

From Digital Marketing Skills Bootcamps to the Start-Up Launchpad, Solent Partners works to grow the success of companies large and small.

Done by working with individuals on improving personal skills, strengthening their business, or boosting growth

Helping business owners

Solent Partners delivered the Fareham Start-Up Launchpad programme in partnership with Fareham Borough Council, providing a year's worth of mentoring and support for local business owners. 

This, like many of the programmes and training courses offered to small & medium-sized businesses across the Solent region, was tailored to each business and their goals.  

Local authorities and business support organisations across the region who are looking to provide bespoke or more general services to businesses are encouraged to contact Solent Partners about working in a similar way.

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The Fareham Start-Up launchpad included advice on creating business plans, managing cashflow, customer engagement and identifying opportunities for growth. The participants also received one-to-one mentoring sessions with a business expert and networking opportunities.

Helen Potter from Nu2Health said: This experience has been a steep learning curve and one that I anticipate will persist.  I would like to extend my gratitude to Fareham Borough Council who funded this invaluable program along with the unwavering support from Solent Partners.


Solent Partners Chair, Rachael Randall said: “It’s rewarding to work with local authorities and other partners across the Solent in order to provide the type of business support that is genuinely needed by local business people. The Fareham Start-Up Launchpad programme is an excellent example of setting local businesses on the path to success, whilst building their confidence so that they can take their ambitions and ventures to the next level. 

There is plenty to celebrate as this programme has given start-up owners a better understanding of their priorities and target markets, whilst other programmes that we currently have running or are setting up, will support countless more individuals and SMEs with business support across the Solent region. Working with local councils to deliver this type of progressive programme has been really positive, as it provides ambitious local entrepreneurs with valuable insight from experienced mentors and experts, enabling the region’s economy to thrive.

Solent Partners Chair Rachael Randall

Find out more

Solent Partners is an industry-led partnership promoting collective prosperity and sustainability of the region’s economy and works with a broad range of private and public partners to deliver a suite of business support throughout the Solent. 

Get in touch to talk with them about a specific project you would like to run or go to their Business and Skills page to see what they currently have on offer to improve either your personal business skills, or to support your business to grow.

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