Southsea heritage bus service returns

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On Sunday 19th May the City of Portsmouth Preserved Transport Depot once again started running their monthly heritage bus service in conjunction with Portsmouth City Museums.

The service operates from the D Day Museum car park and goes via, Clarence Pier, City Museum, Old Portsmouth and South Parade Pier before returning to the D Day museum. The bus departs on the half hour starting at 1130am for 5 trips with the last trip at 1530. This free service is proving to be a popular event with the bus often filling up once it returns from its previous journey.

The buses are operated by the City of Portsmouth Presrved Transport Depot , a registered charity, who rely entirely on donations to keep the buses running.

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The next operating dates are 16th June, 14th July, 18th August and 15th September.

The two buses stand ready for service at the D Day MuseumThe two buses stand ready for service at the D Day Museum
The two buses stand ready for service at the D Day Museum

The group will also be hosting open days at their depot in Wicor on 30th June and 8th September when you can view all the vehicles including the last Horndean Light Railway Tram and the Original Portsmouth Trollybus.

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