Her Majesty The Queen to continue as patron for UKHarvest

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UKHarvest, Sussex based food rescue and redistribution charity are delighted to announce that following the review of the Royal Patronage, Her Majesty The Queen will continue as patron for UKHarvest. UKHarvest has previously welcomed The Queen to our community kitchen in London, where she officially opened our community kitchen, Nourish Hub, back in 2022.

The Queen expressed that 'What you're doing is bringing people together and getting people talking over food.' This is exactly the action UKHarvest are taking to ensure that our community is supported, engaged and included in all we do.

Yvonne Thomson, UKHarvest’s CEO said: "It is a huge honour to have Her Majesty The Queen as our Patron. The kind support of The Queen makes a huge difference to our charity, reaching communities across the UK.

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"We know how important the fight against food waste is, and we are lucky that our own Royal family are heavily invested in tackling the social and environmental impacts that food waste has on the modern world."

Her Majesty The Queen, formerly the Dutchess of Cornwall, opening Nourish Hub in 2022Her Majesty The Queen, formerly the Dutchess of Cornwall, opening Nourish Hub in 2022
Her Majesty The Queen, formerly the Dutchess of Cornwall, opening Nourish Hub in 2022

The Queen's support for the work that UKHarvest does is a testament to the vital need in the UK to reduce food waste and ensure that fresh, healthy food is available to all.

As UKHarvest has continued to grow and evolve into a wider-reaching, accessible supporting charity, we look forward to working with The Queen to ensure that no food goes to waste, and that surplus food reaches those that need it most.

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