Experts reveal: The team with the most red cards in UEFA EURO history

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The UEFA European Championship is a spectacle of talent, passion, and drama. While goals and saves often take the spotlight, the tournament's disciplinary records reveal another layer of intensity. BoyleSports, experts in sports statistics, have analysed the data to find out which team holds the record for the most red cards in UEFA EURO history, including qualifying rounds.

The Red Card Record Holders

According to BoyleSports, the team with the most red cards in UEFA EURO history is Albania, with a staggering total of 14 red cards. This places them at the top of the list, known for their aggressive play and high-intensity matches.

Following Albania are three teams tied with 12 red cards each: Malta, Moldova, and Azerbaijan. These nations have also seen their fair share of disciplinary action, contributing to the tournament's dramatic and unpredictable nature.

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Tied for fifth place, with 11 red cards each, are the Republic of Ireland, Estonia, Wales, and Romania. These teams have shown that their competitive spirit can sometimes cross the line, leading to numerous send-offs over the years.

Rounding out the top 10 are Bosnia and Herzegovina and North Macedonia, each with 10 red cards. These teams have also made their mark on the tournament, often finding themselves in the midst of high-stakes, high-tension matches.

BoyleSports' analysis not only highlights the teams with the most red cards but also underscores the fierce competition and high emotions that define the UEFA EURO.

While red cards are often seen as a blemish on the game, they also serve as a testament to the intensity and passion of international competition. The teams listed here have shown that their determination to win sometimes leads to crossing the line, resulting in memorable and dramatic moments on the pitch.

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As we look forward to the 2024 UEFA EUROs, it will be fascinating to see how these disciplinary records evolve. Will new teams emerge as the most carded, or will the current leaders continue to dominate this less glamorous statistic? One thing is for certain: the passion and drama of the UEFA EURO will always keep fans on the edge of their seats.