Fareham fighter Louis Small earns England qualification following NABGC title glory

Fareham Boxing Club's Louis SmallFareham Boxing Club's Louis Small
Fareham Boxing Club's Louis Small
Fareham talent Louis Small will be part of the England boxing squad once again in 2020.

The 19-year-old old was crowned under-52kg class D 2000-class NABGC champion after defeating Eastside fighter Ibrahim Shakil in Manchester last weekend.

And Small has secured more than just a medal following his national success.

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His title win means the former Fareham Academy pupil will train and box for England in 2020.

Small attended training camps and won the Three Nations title in the colours of his country last year.

He earned that reward after winning the NABGC crown in 2017.

And now a repeat of that success has ensured he will be part of the England squad once again.

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Small’s mother, Shellie Whiffin, is understandably delighted by her son’s latest achievement.

‘It’s the second time he’s won the NABGC championships,’ said Whiffin.

‘He boxed a lad from Eastside.

‘He was a strong boy.

‘It was a split decision.

‘I wasn’t too sure it was, but these competitions at the moment they just do split decisions.

‘He lost in the NABGC final last year, but he’ll be back in the England team now.

‘These are exciting times.’

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Small will attend training camps with England next year and is likely to have at least one title fight.

But before that, Whiffin said her son is looking to set up a fight early in 2020.

And she revealed he has a driving ambition to make it a ‘strap year’.

‘Louis wants some belts next season,’ added Whiffin.

‘He’s said it’s a strap year for him in 2020, so he wants to go for area titles.

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‘He has to try to get a belt if he wants to stay involved with England.

‘But I think he now just wants a couple of normal bouts.

‘After Christmas, there is possibility to fight a lad from Wales.

‘He’s been on a diet for eight weeks, he just wants Christmas now.’