The most important time of the year

Rev Amy Webb, from All Saints' Church in Botley.

CAPTION: Rev Amy Webb believes Easter is the most important date in the year for Christians.Rev Amy Webb, from All Saints' Church in Botley.

CAPTION: Rev Amy Webb believes Easter is the most important date in the year for Christians.
Rev Amy Webb, from All Saints' Church in Botley. CAPTION: Rev Amy Webb believes Easter is the most important date in the year for Christians.
ARE you an amateur or professional artist, or someone who would like to explore their artistic potential? Or, are you simply looking for your next creative project?

The churches of Botley, Curdridge and Durley are holding an event which could provide you with the perfect opportunity.

From March 27 to April 1 we’re hosting an Easter Art Extravaganza at All Saints’ Church, Botley.

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We are inviting you to produce a piece of artwork in response to the Easter story as found in the Bible. It can be in any medium: painting, sculpture, digital, photography, sound – essentially whatever comes to your mind.

The idea is to encourage us all to think more deeply and respond creatively to what we feel Easter is all about.

For Christians, it is obviously about the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ; however, when you look at the story in some more depth there is so much more to explore.

Did Pilate have any choice when it came to condemning Jesus to death? What was Mary feeling when she saw her adult son on the cross?

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When the women found the stone rolled away from the tomb, how did they react?

There are certainly an awful lot of intriguing questions to get those creative juices flowing.

We have already had the promise of artwork made from cane used to restore furniture, a cake decorated as The Last Supper, and the junior choir plan to yarn-bomb the railings outside the front of the church with knitting and pom poms.

One of our churchwardens is painting a full set of Stations of the Cross, which are 15 images showing the journey Jesus made on his way to the crucifixion and resurrection.

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Also, a couple of our local primary schools will help me create some large-scale pieces of collaborative artwork.

However, I would love to see artwork submitted from all sections of society, from those of all faiths and none, as I believe this project will help us learn from each other.

Easter is at the heart of the Christian faith. As nice as chocolate eggs and baby animals are, my hope is that by engaging with the Easter story through art we’ll allow ourselves to go a little deeper. I certainly hope it will provoke discussion about this crucial part of the Christian message.

If you would like to find out more then come and visit us at All Saints’ Church in High Street, Botley, for our Sunday worship services.