Dunkirk star Harry Styles had a '˜sing-song' on Gosport boat while filming war epic

Harry Styles stars in Dunkirk, part of which was filmed at DaedalusHarry Styles stars in Dunkirk, part of which was filmed at Daedalus
Harry Styles stars in Dunkirk, part of which was filmed at Daedalus
THE skipper of a Gosport-based boat which has a starring role in a new Hollywood blockbuster has told how one of the film's stars, Harry Styles, was a '˜tough' and '˜lovely young man'.

The One Direction singer makes his acting debut in Christopher Nolan’s wartime epic Dunkirk – set to hit cinemas on Friday.

And now, Alan Watson – who is the captain of Second World War vessel HMS Medusa – has spoken out about his experience filming with the popstar.

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The 61-year-old said: ‘Harry Styles wasn’t the least bit of what I expected him to be.

Harry Styles stars in Dunkirk, part of which was filmed at DaedalusHarry Styles stars in Dunkirk, part of which was filmed at Daedalus
Harry Styles stars in Dunkirk, part of which was filmed at Daedalus

‘When I was told that he would be coming on board I thought that this will be some young person who has been thrown into fame and they will be difficult.

‘The first time I knew of him was a voice by my elbow that said “good morning, captain”.

‘I couldn’t wish for a more courteous, modest, well-behaved young gentleman.’

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Mr Watson spent about three weeks filming pivotal scenes in the film last summer.

Alan Watson and Laura Pankhurst on board HMS Medusa at Gosport Marine festival this year 
Picture Ian Hargreaves  (170623-1)Alan Watson and Laura Pankhurst on board HMS Medusa at Gosport Marine festival this year 
Picture Ian Hargreaves  (170623-1)
Alan Watson and Laura Pankhurst on board HMS Medusa at Gosport Marine festival this year Picture Ian Hargreaves (170623-1)

Numerous film takes were recorded by the Dark Knight director, often in challenging circumstances at sea, with two Imax cameras.

The 72ft boat never featured in the real Dunkirk rescue mission, which saw civilian and military ships of all shapes and sizes, scrambled to rescue the stranded 400,000 soldiers who had been overwhelmed by German forces.

However, the vessel was there during the D-Day invasion four years later in 1944.

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Mr Watson added during filming he tried to make the famous popstar sea sick.

HMS MedusaHMS Medusa
HMS Medusa

‘We were trying to throw the vessel around to make him sea sick but it didn’t work,’ he said.

‘He went up on to the bow of the ship having a sing-song. I was doing everything I could to cause him some discomfort but he was just singing a song.’

Medusa played a critical role at D-Day marking the entrance to a minefield which could only be cleared the night before by the minesweepers.

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