COMMENT: We all need to take some responsibility to slow down the virus

As Covid-19 cases rise and another lockdown brings us yet more challenges, we're all in this together.

The message is the same, whether it's coming from Portsmouth's top police officer Superintendent Clare Jenkins, Mark Cubbon, chief executive of the NHS trust that runs Queen Alexandra Hospital in Cosham, or Helen Atkinson, the city council's director of public health.

If we all take some personal responsibility, think carefully about our actions and follow the regulations, we can help to slow the spread of the virus.

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The next few weeks are going to be crucial and we all need to play our part.

We agree with Supt Jenkins when she says: 'I don’t think people should rely on the law to be telling them what to do, I think it’s important that people take responsibility and care for those around them. People have got to be more careful than ever.'

We also fully support Ms Atkinson as she urges people to do the right thing for the greater good.

She urges: ‘Now is the time for us all to stay at home, protect our vital NHS services and save lives. Your actions over the coming weeks can and will make a difference.’