Waterlooville sex attack e-fit released as police reveal series of victims have come forwardÂ

Police would like to speak to this man in connection with a series of sexual assaults in Waterlooville. Picture: Hampshire ConstabularyPolice would like to speak to this man in connection with a series of sexual assaults in Waterlooville. Picture: Hampshire Constabulary
Police would like to speak to this man in connection with a series of sexual assaults in Waterlooville. Picture: Hampshire Constabulary
POLICE say there has been '˜a series' of suspicious incidents and sex attacks reported in Waterlooville woodland.Â

Police are investigating a series of reported sexual assaults in Queens Inclosure, and want to speak to this man as part of the ongoing investigation.

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Teenage dog walker is sexually assaulted in Waterlooville woodland

Reported incidents include a 19-year-old woman being hugged and touched inappropriately over her clothing at 2pm on Monday, a teenage girl walking her dog being asked for her phone number and being hugged and touched inappropriately 20 minutes later, and a teenage girl being followed and intimidated by a man in Hart Plain Avenue at 3.30pm on Saturday.

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Police would like to speak to this man in connection with a series of sexual assaults in Waterlooville. Picture: Hampshire ConstabularyPolice would like to speak to this man in connection with a series of sexual assaults in Waterlooville. Picture: Hampshire Constabulary
Police would like to speak to this man in connection with a series of sexual assaults in Waterlooville. Picture: Hampshire Constabulary

Chief Inspector Clare Jenkins said: '˜We have now received a number of reports of a man acting suspiciously, inappropriately, and in some cases sexually assaulting young women in Waterlooville.

'˜All of these reports are being taken seriously and officers are working proactively to identify the person responsible.'

Officers will be in the area speaking with residents and carrying out enquiries, with extra patrols over the coming days.

Police have also asked that evidence is given to them directly, and not posted on social media.

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Chief Inspector Clare Jenkins added: '˜If you live in this area and have CCTV footage which covers the areas where the offences took place, please take a look and if you see anything at all that you think could help please get in touch immediately.

'˜We would ask that nothing, including footage or images, is posted on social media and is instead handed to the police.

'˜Officers will be out and about in the area over the next few days, but we continue to remind anyone walking on their own in these areas to be extra vigilant and to report anything suspicious to the police.'

Anyone with information is asked to call 101, quoting the crime reference number 44180298470