Violent thug turned up ranting and raving at former partner's home '“ armed with metal crutch

Picture: PAPicture: PA
Picture: PA
A FURIOUS thug with an 'unenviable record of violence' turned up at his ex-partner's brandishing a metal crutch ranting and raving, a court heard.

Dad-of-three Nico Alexander, 24, was jailed for 38 weeks by a judge after he went to his children's mother's home in Gosport on September 9.

Alexander, who was caught with a Stanley knife, admitted a string of charges but claimed he only went to her home after getting in a row by phone. 

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Alexander, of Brockhurst Road, claims he only had the blade as he was on the way to a job where he needed to cut plasterboard when he diverted to her home. 

Picture: PAPicture: PA
Picture: PA

The CPS accepted this and the court heard when police arrived to deal with him he handed the knife to officers, having not brandished it. 

Prosecutor Andrew Newman told Portsmouth Magistrates' Court how Alexander's former partner received a number of calls from a blocked number threatening to 'come round in 10 minutes'.

But at 5.28pm - and after getting another call at 5.26pm claiming he was 'two minutes away' - the victim heard a 'loud crash' with Alexander stood in the doorway.

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The court heard how his former partner suspected he had been drinking when Alexander called her fat by text message.

A statement from the victim said: 'I thought I was going to get attacked as this is what used to happen before when he used to assault me.'

District judge Anne Arnold jailed Alexander for 38 weeks with a £115 victim surcharge to pay. She said he had an 'unenviable record of violence'.

He admitted having a bladed article, using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour with intent to cause harassment, alarm or distress, and breaching a suspended sentence for previously assaulting a police officer. He also admitted having an offensive weapon '“ the crutch.

The court heard he came out of jail in April.

Natalie Dennington, for Alexander, said he was in a 'rock and a hard place in dealing with his mental health'.

She added: 'He has never been able to deal with his emotions particularly well.'