'˜Sore loser' jailed for 12 years for stab attack on best friend

Jay ShepherdJay Shepherd
Jay Shepherd
A JUDGE has described the '˜tragic' situation which saw a '˜sore loser' sent to jail for 12 years for nearly killing his best friend after plunging a knife into him four times over a £20 pool bet.

 Jay Shepherd, 49, remained emotionless as he was thrown behind bars during sentencing at Portsmouth Crown Court. He was found guilty of wounding with intent by a jury earlier this month and also convicted of carrying a bladed article.

Judge Roger Hetherington accused the convict of acting with a '˜degree of premeditation' when he knifed Lee Scattergood in a frenzied attack outside the West Town Inn last November after a blazing row between the old mates kicked off.

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The fight erupted inside the pub when Shepherd lost a £20 pool bet as he potted the white and black balls at the same time - sparking a bar brawl before the pair arranged to meet back outside the pub later after exchanging a flurry of abusive messages.

Lee ScattergoodLee Scattergood
Lee Scattergood

Events then descended into a menacing horror as Shepherd, while being '˜pummelled on the floor', pulled out a knife.

'˜I accept you did not necessarily intend to use the knife when you set off but you had it with you in case you needed it. You were on your back being pummelled and got the knife out at some stage and proceeded to stab the victim four times,' judge Hetherington said.

'˜One of the blows cut a main artery and resulted in catastrophic consequences especially as he lost a lot of blood.

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'˜I'm quite satisfied you knew he was in a serious condition when you left the scene and went back home (to Parkdean Caravan Park).

'˜Mr Scattergood immediately slumped to the ground and if it was not for the work of paramedics and surgeons then he would likely have died. He was put in an induced coma for three weeks and has been left with an ongoing serious condition where he has to have a stoma bag and deal with all the embarrassment and inconvenience that goes with it.'

In a victim impact statement, Mr Scattergood said: '˜I am still not sure why Jay stabbed me on that night.

'˜I am bewildered and will probably never know why he went to such lengths.  I feel guilt that Jay will be going to prison but on the other hand I feel devastated at what he has done to me.'