Police and Crime Commissioner vows to ‘challenge’ chief constable on use of police resources – but needs your help

Police and Crime Commissioner Michael LanePolice and Crime Commissioner Michael Lane
Police and Crime Commissioner Michael Lane
HAMPSHIRE’S Police and Crime Commissioner Michael Lane says that he will ‘act as your champion’ as he prepares to challenge the chief constable on how police resources are being used.

Mr Lane is meeting the county’s chief constable, Olivia Pinkney, in a broadcasted meeting on March 11.

Here, he vows to hold Mrs Pinkney to account on the performance of Hampshire's police force – but will also be putting forward questions submitted by residents.

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Mr Lane said: ‘As I represent you and act as your champion please let me know your concerns and I will put your questions to the chief constable so that I can challenge and question on your behalf and she can provide reassurance that police resources are being used as effectively and efficiently as possible, recognising any issues that are on your minds.

‘These Compass meetings are how I hold the chief constable publicly to account, and a full video recording will be available to watch soon after the meeting on March 27, via my website and social media channels.’

To submit a question to be put forward to the chief constable, people can email opcc@hampshire.pnn.police.uk by 12pm on Monday, March 11.